Whole Plant Foods


The synergy of the nutrients working together


After doing this a while, the conversions start as soon as we see food. "I can do that with dates instead of sugar", or sunflower seeds instead of traditional mayo

There's a range

Some of us are mostly whole foods and we don't mind incorporating some more refined plant foods from time to time and some of us are so hardcore there are whole staples and produce in the house and nothing else unless we made it from those.

Celebrate Whole Plant Foods

Everything nature intended, nothing taken away, and nothing added.

This is easier than some people make it sound. We eat spaghetti just without the animals, burritos, tacos, pizza, lasagna, potatoes, chili, squash, sandwiches, scrambles, casseroles, stir fry, ramen, pho, Buddha bowls, sushi nori, enchiladas, and sweet potatoes. There are a whole ton of Indian, Greek, Asian, Mexican foods and the list goes on just made without animals or dairy or oil or other processed "foods", and after a little while it's just normal, and to do it the other way seems very odd indeed.

Eating more plants.




Whole plant foods

Because processed "foods" and animal products create inflammation and other damage in the body every time and it adds up

Did you know?

There are magical healing substances we can take advantage of in foods we're already eating if we only knew how to prepare them the right way and it's super easy! sulforophane, allicin

No white flour

Dr. Joel Fuhrman says chocolate cake is really white of course, it just has a fake tan from the cocoa powder vid short rant

Some whole foodies don't use any flour at all, and some save it for special occasions


Eating whole plants the way nature intended gives us energy. If we eat a lot of greens we could have a lot more energy. Level up.

Oil is for metal hinges

" ... after a little while it's just normal, and to do it the other way seems very odd indeed." Imagine never cooking with fat or oil and then someone pours a bunch of oil into your food. Yuck! It blunts all the flavors! It's a terrible mouth feel. It tastes wrong. Some of them taste and smell Very wrong -- stay away from "normal" grocery store oils for a little while and you will know exactly because the chemical smell and flavor becomes obvious.

Then notice it makes everything harder to clean, and it gets everywhere on the stove and counter tops and it clogs up the vent filters and the air conditioning filters and imagine what that's doing to people's lungs


"People don't die as a consequence of maturing; they die from disease, most commonly heart attacks. Most deaths in the United States are preventable, and are related to what we eat." Dr. Michael Greger, _How Not to Die_


The bright and magical sulforaphane made by broccoli when chopped or blended because of its enzyme action is only a little bit found is other crucifers? Who knew? So what are the other magical molecules healing people right and left? Or is it just that the miniscule amounts in kale are so very powerful that even only that much is healing?


..is not dehydrating says Dr. Greger, but we should only be drinking a tea if it is of a plant we would eat, says Dr. Goldhamer, like perhaps peppermint but not these medicinal root things upon which no one is going to chew. Some of them say don't even drink peppermint tea because it can be antibacterial and what if it is taking out good bacteria? And others say whole foodie never mind scooping out the remnants how about throwing it in the blender with the rest of the smoothie...

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Whole Plant Foods
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